5th Star Airconditioning

Peak Smart Air conditioning

Energex Peak Smart Air Conditioning

In August 2012 Energex launched their Peak Smart technology for home air conditioners.

All major air-conditioning manufacturers now adhere to Peak Smart industry standards in their designs.

This new technology works via a signal receiver which is a small relay device installed in the Peak Smart air-conditioner. This remotely tells the air-conditioner to engage its inbuilt efficiencies technology to cap its energy consumption on occasions when the network reaches peak demand.

The technology is designed to be a set and forget device.

Peak Smart benefits consumers with dollar incentive rewards:

At the present time this incentive is up to $500

Cooling Capacity

Rewards Availiable

Less than 4kW


4kW but less than 10kW


10kW or more



Peak Smart benefits Energex by allowing them to send a signal down the electricity grid to a receiver in the air conditioners telling it to ramp down its running capacity  to 75%.

Energex may only need to do this on rare occasions when they are running over capacity and need to “load shed” or reduce the amount of electricity consumption in peak times.

5th Star are now installing more and more air conditioners with Peak Smart capabilities.

Check out this link for the current peak smart air conditioners available every month there are more and more brands coming out with Peak Smart technology.

Energex Peak Smart Frequently Asked Questions